Family Counselling Centre Il Mandorlo – Emmanuele Cooperative Consultorio Familiare Il Mandorlo - Emmanuele Cooperativa Italy
Meyer – University Hospital – Gaia Service Meyer - Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria - Servizio Gaia Italy
Aleteia Association – Studies and Research on Restorative Justice Associazione Aleteia – Studi e Ricerche Giustizia Riparativa Italy
Istituto Giannina Gaslini – Center for Mistreatments and Abuses on Minors Istituto Giannina Gaslini - Centro Maltrattamento e Abuso Minore Italy
Interdisciplinary Service Center Association C.S.IN. ONLUS Associazione Centro Servizi Interdisciplinare C.S.IN. ONLUS Italy
RETE DAFNE ITALIA Association – National Network of Services for Assistance to Victims of Crime Associazione RETE DAFNE ITALIA – Rete Nazionale dei Servizi per l’Assistenza alle Vittime di reato Italy