Frauenhausdienst – Antiviolence Center of the Community of the Isarco Valley Frauenhausdienst - Centro Antiviolenza della Comunità Comprensoriale Valle Isarco Italy
ASACI – Asturian Association for the Assistance and Care of Children ASACI - Asociación Asturiana para la atención y el Cuidado de la Infacia Spain
Interdisciplinary Service Center Association C.S.IN. ONLUS Associazione Centro Servizi Interdisciplinare C.S.IN. ONLUS Italy
On the Road Società Cooperativa Sociale – Antiviolence Center On the Road Società Cooperativa Sociale - Centro Antiviolenza Italy
RETE DAFNE ITALIA Association – National Network of Services for Assistance to Victims of Crime Associazione RETE DAFNE ITALIA – Rete Nazionale dei Servizi per l’Assistenza alle Vittime di reato Italy
Counselling Centre of Municipality of Patras Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο Γυναικών Δήμου Πάτρας Greece/ Ελλάδα
Italian Association of families and victims of road accidents ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA FAMILIARI E VITTIME DELLA STRADA (AIFVS) ONLUS Italy
C.T.A. Centro di Terapia dell’Adolescenza Cooperative C.T.A. Centro di Terapia dell'Adolescenza S.C.R.L. Italy
Victim support|Center for General Welfare Mol Slachtofferhulp|Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk (CAW) Belgium
Victims’ Support Office – Madrid. Fuenlabrada Oficina de Atención a víctimas de delito - Madrid. Fuenlabrada Spain
ADAVAS – Association for the support of victims of sexual assault and domestic violence – León ADAVAS - Asociación de ayuda a víctimas de Agresiones Sexuales y Violencia Doméstica - León Spain