CAVAS – Centre for Assistance to Victims of Sexual Assault – Community of Valencia CAVAS - Centro de Asistencia a Víctimas de Agresiones Sexuales - Comunidad de Valencia Spain
CAVASYM – Centre for the Care of Victims of Sexual Assault and Mistreatment – Asturias CAVASYM - Centro de Atención a Víctimas de Agresiones Sexuales y Malos Tratos - Asturias Spain
Italian Association of families and victims of road accidents ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA FAMILIARI E VITTIME DELLA STRADA (AIFVS) ONLUS Italy
Victim support|Center for General Welfare Geel Slachtofferhulp|Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk (CAW) Belgium
Meyer – University Hospital – Gaia Service Meyer - Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria - Servizio Gaia Italy
CIMASCAM. Center for Integral Attention to Women Victims of Sexual Violence – Community of Madrid. CIMASCAM. Centro de Atención Integral a Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia Secual de la Comunidad de Madrid. Spain
Counselling Centre of Municipality of Florina Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο Γυναικών Δήμου Φλώρινας Greece/ Ελλάδα
ADIMA – Association for the defence of children and the prevention of maltreatment in Andalusia – Córdoba ADIMA - Asociación para la defensa de la infancia y la prevención del maltrato en Andalucía - Córdoba Spain