Telefono Rosa Piacenza – “La Città delle Donne – O.d.V.” Association Telefono Rosa Piacenza - Associazione "La Città delle Donne - O.d.V." Italy
Istituto Toniolo di Studi Superiori – Family Counselling Center Istituto Toniolo di Studi Superiori - Consultorio Familiare Italy
On the Road Società Cooperativa Sociale – Antiviolence Center On the Road Società Cooperativa Sociale - Centro Antiviolenza Italy
Victim support|Center for General Welfare Asse Slachtofferhulp|Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk (CAW) Belgium
Counselling Centre of Municipality of Mutilini Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο Γυναικών Δήμου Μυτιλήνης Greece/ Ελλάδα
Victims’ Support Office – Las Palmas. Arrecife Oficina Asistencia Víctimas - Las Palmas. Arrecife Spain
Shelter for Women Victims of Violence of Municipality of Kerkira Ξενώνας Φιλοξενίας Γυναικών Δήμου Κέρκυρας Greece/ Ελλάδα