Shelter for Women Victims of Violence of Municipality of Kordeliou-Euosmou Ξενώνας Φιλοξενίας Γυναικών Δήμου Κορδελιού-Εύοσμου Greece/ Ελλάδα
Italian Center Association for mediation and training on mediation ASSOCIAZIONE CENTRO ITALIANO DI MEDIAZIONE E FORMAZIONE ALLA MEDIAZIONE (C.I.M.F.M) Italy
Counselling Centre of Municipality of Larisa Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο Γυναικών Δήμου Λάρισας Greece/ Ελλάδα
C.T.A. Centro di Terapia dell’Adolescenza Cooperative C.T.A. Centro di Terapia dell'Adolescenza S.C.R.L. Italy
CAVASYM – Centre for the Care of Victims of Sexual Assault and Mistreatment – Asturias CAVASYM - Centro de Atención a Víctimas de Agresiones Sexuales y Malos Tratos - Asturias Spain
ASPASI – Association for the Healing and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse ASPASI - Asociación para la Sanación y la Prevención de los Abusos Sexuales en la Infancia Spain
House of women Ester Scardaccione – Telefono donna Potenza Association Casa delle donne Ester Scardaccione - Associazione Telefono donna Potenza Italy