CAVAS – Centre for Assistance to Victims of Sexual Assault – Cantabria CAVAS - Centro de Asistencia a Víctimas de Agresiones Sexuales y Prevención del Maltrato Infantil - Cantabria Spain
Care Center after Sexual Violence Liège Centre de Prise en charge des Violences Sexuelles (CPVS) Belgium
Associazione Incontro Donne Antiviolenza A.I.D.A. Association Associazione Incontro Donne Antiviolenza A.I.D.A. onlus Italy
RETE DAFNE ITALIA Association – National Network of Services for Assistance to Victims of Crime Associazione RETE DAFNE ITALIA – Rete Nazionale dei Servizi per l’Assistenza alle Vittime di reato Italy
CAVASYM – Centre for the Care of Victims of Sexual Assault and Mistreatment – Asturias CAVASYM - Centro de Atención a Víctimas de Agresiones Sexuales y Malos Tratos - Asturias Spain
Il Melograno Social Cooperative – CBM Center for the Abused Child Il Melograno Soc. Coop. Soc. Onlus - CBM Centro per il Bambino Maltrattato Italy