Liberetutte Antiviolence Center, Service of 365GiorniAlFemminile Association Liberetutte Centro Antiviolenza Servizio di 365GiorniAlFemminile Onlus Italy
Shelter for Women Victims of Violence of Municipality of Agrinio Ξενώνας Φιλοξενίας Γυναικών Δήμου Αγρινίου Greece/ Ελλάδα
Meyer – University Hospital – Gaia Service Meyer - Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria - Servizio Gaia Italy
Counselling Centre of Municipality of Alexandroupolis Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο Γυναικών Δήμου Αλεξανδρούπολης Greece/ Ελλάδα
Care Center after Sexual Violence Liège Centre de Prise en charge des Violences Sexuelles (CPVS) Belgium
Victim support|Center for General Welfare Sint-Niklaas Slachtofferhulp|Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk (CAW) Belgium