APRAMP – Comprehensive assistance to victims of human trafficking – Asturias APRAMP - Asistencia integral a las víctimas de trata de seres humanos - Asturias Spain
Victims’ Support Office – Madrid. Leganés Oficina de Atención a víctimas de delito - Madrid. Leganés. Spain
Shelter for Women Victims of Violence of Municipality of Athens Ξενώνας Φιλοξενίας Γυναικών Δήμου Αθηνών Greece/ Ελλάδα
Guarantor Authority for Childhood and Adolescence Autorità Garante per l’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza Italy
Counselling Centre of Municipality of Thessaloniki Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο Γυναικών Δήμου Θεσσαλονίκης Greece/ Ελλάδα
Counselling Centre of Municipality of Kozani Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο Γυναικών Δήμου Κοζάνης Greece/ Ελλάδα
La Strada Social Cooperative – TIAMA Center for Traumas of Childhood and Adolescence, Mistreatment and Abuses La Strada Soc.Coop.Soc -Centro TIAMA per i “Traumi dell'Infanzia e dell'Adolescenza, Maltrattamenti e Abusi” Italy
Victims’ Support Office – Las Palmas. Arrecife Oficina Asistencia Víctimas - Las Palmas. Arrecife Spain